
Sunday 1 June 2014

Magic button suspends traffic laws #traffic #motoring #movingviolation

Magic button suspends traffic laws

A magic button has been installed in many South African vehicles. If you have not discovered it yet, I suggest that you conduct a diligent search of your instrument panel without delay.

As thousands of delighted South African road users have already discovered, pressing this button has the apparent effect of immediately suspending the operation of a whole host of irritating traffic laws.

You can park on yellow lines. You can stop in the middle of a busy road to drop people off or to pick someone up, and you can do all this without having to concern yourself about obstructing traffic. You can do U-Turns in the busiest of roads. You can travel aimlessly at slow speed while you look for parking. You can even reverse down National roads. 

Regrettably, I must warn that the effectiveness of the button to undermine speed limits is untested at this stage.

To help you to locate it, look out for an orange or red triangle on your dashboard. To make the search interesting, the button unfortunately comes in various shapes and sizes.  As an added challenge, the button is located in different locations depending on the model of your vehicle.

Find it. Press it. And then, Viola, you may do as you please as you celebrate the suspension of the applicability of traffic laws to your vehicle with gay abandon. Unfortunately not everyone is aware of this new technology and many more have yet to master the use of this amazing invention. Until they do, we who possess it (the HAZ’s) will no doubt feel obliged to ignore the hoots and the gesticulations of the unfortunates (the  HAZ nots) who remain obligated to obey traffic laws.
For those who are reading this blog from outside of South Africa, I would offer this word of warning. Whilst a diligent search may reveal that such a button may exist in your vehicle, I have not been able to determine whether the button's ability to suspend the operation of law has territorial limitations. However, I invite you to come to South Africa, (it is a wonderful country for a holiday) and I guarantee you that it will not be long before you see how popular this button's effect has become with local drivers.
Siegfried Walther

Also in this blog: One wonders whether, instead of trained pilots, the plane was instead being flown by the recent Mayor of Toronto on a bad day.
. Shocking Air France 447 BEA Whitewash


+Moving violations

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