
Friday 28 November 2014

Don't save the planet! Start a war, or indulge in genocide... #charity

Don't save lives. Save the planet!

#charity #charitable causes #NGO #food aid

Last year, Sir David Attenborough correctly named Humanity as the biggest #Plague  on the face of this earth. I refer to the link to the article below:

He points out that humans are in danger of destroying what remains of our planet. There are too many of us. The natural resources we need to survive are finite. The planet has limited fresh water, fish stocks, arable land, etc.

Not only are our numbers multiplying to a point where our existence on earth will soon become #unsustainable, but we are also polluting and destroying the planet and its precious resources, which is accelerating our own demise.

It may be too late to prevent a Mad Max styled world in which people fight wars over water and soil.

We might also be heading for solutions so drastic that they were only contemplated in futuristic or sci-fi movies. i.e. Enforced death by euthanasia for every person reaching a certain age.

So, when I see advertisements by #charities who tell me how little they need to save lives in +Africa and in the third world, I sometimes want to scream.

At the outset, let me make it clear. I don't wish to see any child starving and if faced with such a thing in my back yard, lord help me, I can't imagine I'd turn my face away from their plight.

At the same time, however, countries like Ethiopia are already vastly overcrowded. The land can barely sustain the numbers which increase in total disregard of scarce natural #resources. So when +FamineTV famine strikes, (one of nature's ways keeping animal numbers down by eliminating the weak), its little wonder that one finds mass starvation.

What annoys me most are the people who are "struggling to find food for myself and my eight children." And even more horrifying are those charities +FoodAID Np  who rush in with emergency food supplies. They save the weak from their errors, and the weak in turn respond by multiplying all over again. This leads to a vicious cycle which endlessly repeats and grows worse each time.

I do need, however, to make two points. I realise that there is a link between poverty and overpopulation. And I accept too, that there is a link between an uneducated female population and overpopulation.

Any charity that addresses the causes of poverty instead of only the symptoms, and which indeed links the provision of food in areas of famine to an aggressive programme of compulsory sterilisation of people with more than two children, and also attempts to educate the population, particularly women, falls outside the scope of my criticism. But what they do must be  sustainable.
+Sustainable Tourism  .

I realise that linking food aid to compulsory #sterilisation may be regarded as drastic or inhumane in some circles. To them I say, read the above Attenborough article again. Repeat this until the full horror of what awaits us starts to dawn on you.  All humanity is a plague, and any nation or people who have more than three children per couple must be regarded as a virulent plague requiring urgent decimation.

I also say that when people are starving because the land cannot sustain their uncontrolled population growth, sterilisation can only be a blessing and certainly NOT a genuine human rights violation.

Even if you don't agree with forced sterilisation or sterilisation in exchange for aid, it is incumbent upon you, if you wish to really help those in distress, not to even mention the planet, that you establish whether the charity you wish to support only provides drought or famine relief, or whether it, in addition, also has a viable programme to address overpopulation, with a view to assisting communities to become sustainable.

In this regard, education and the elimination of poverty should go hand in hand with aggressive programmes to combat population growth (whatever programmes these might be.)

India, I understand has a programme of sterilising women in exchange for a monetary award. Those who raise moral objections to the fact that this exploits vulnerable poor women have, in my view simply lost the plot. (Read the link again. Repeat!)  India cannot continue its current population expansion. Neither can this planet. Arguments about the morality regarding how those facing sterilisation are chosen are luxuries we as humans simply cannot afford to indulge in now.

We need around half of the people on this planet to die, and to die now if we are to have a hope of saving our world. A deadly virus which wipes out half of us, is something we keep trying to prevent. I understand this. But perhaps we should welcome deadly diseases, plagues, natural disasters etc. Why do we insist on rushing around, irresponsibly saving lives all over the show when we need death, in the tens or hundreds of  millions, not saved lives.

We arrogantly fail to see that plague, famine disease and natural disaster are Mother Nature's way of destroying the weak, and of limiting population growth amongst animals. Somehow, however, we seem to believe that we are not part of nature and those rules do not apply to us. Wake up, fool. It does apply to us. We are, too arrogant to accept this.

Stop sending money to countries where natural disasters leave mothers unable to feed their eleven children. Make an exception only if you have cast iron assurances that aid is linked to cast iron guarantees of population growth, sterilisation, education programmes, sustainable development and the elimination of poverty. And if the locals don't want to embrace this, let them starve.

By saying what I do, I don't mean to ignore the damage the rich nations are causing to our planet and how they too are a plague. Their conduct is no less excusable simply because they mostly only have one or two children each. Global warming, pollution, unsustainable industrial development, and runaway consumerism is an equally evil blight on our planet. Humanity is a plague. Whether you are a white affluent American who contributes to pollution by your wanton consumerist behaviour, or whether you are a poor farmer in Ethiopia.

So, whatever you do, let it be motivated by ensuring that human numbers don't expand. Start a war if you must. A little genocide perhaps. Do whatever you have to. (Okay, I'm kidding about the war and genocide....for now anyway) +NgoMonitor . 

If not, at least ensure you live sustainably and try to encourage others to do so, and ensure that your charities are held to the highest standards of involvement in sustainable development before you recklessly contribute to saving lives!
Siegfried Walther 2014
See below: Egypt's bid to host Winter Olympics to succeed?

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